Brown Family Camping Trip 2012
This years camping trip was at camp Dakota in Scott's Mills, Oregon. It was a fun camp ground, and although the trip wasn't completely drama free we still had a pretty good time. A memorable year to say the least.
We had to travel on July 4th, my second favorite holiday...maybe my favorite. We got to go through lots of detours, it was good to see so many different towns having freedom festivals. When we left our house it was a nice warm July day. We got to camp Dakota and it was freeze your butt off cold. Maybe I blow things out of proportion, but it was cold, we got Scott in pjs right away and not long after Jeremy and I were digging in suit cases for warmer clothes.
Scott got to meet more family. We received LOTS of parenting advice. ( I love how people say "I hate getting parenting advice, butt..."). We had fun doing the gift exchange, we scored a portable fan, finger mustaches, chip clips shaped like mustaches and a swim suit and ball for Scotty.
Jeremy's parents were kind enough to let us stay in their tent trailer with them, it had a heater and itty bitty appreciated that. We were all pretty spread out around the camp site again this year, and there were only portra pottys :/ I managed to find one that was extremely clean and only used 3 or 4 times before me, I may or may not have kept the location of the porta potty to myself... I love camping, I don't mind dirt or public bathrooms for that matter, but porta pottys are foul.
The food was really good and over all it was a pretty enjoyable experience. The camp held a "talent" show one night, none of our family participated, fun suckers. After the talent show was over they had a fireworks show, it was an everybody bring your fireworks up to the stage type of thing, I was enjoying the show until one shot off the stage and hit the guy in front of me. It was time to get my baby to a safer location.
Jeremy and I got to go on the zip line with some of the family. That was a really fun experience, I wish I had pictures to share.
It was a short and sweet trip we were only there for two nights, but the Moose Camp 4th of July party was that Saturday and we HAD to be there.
I don't have very many pictures of the trip at all. #badmom but at least I wrote about it.
So fun! I have always wanted to go zip-lining. Someday soon hopefully. I love love camping but hate porta potties with a passion. omgosh. Good thing you kept the location of the one you found hidden :) I would too. Great post, and I love your blog header! Usually I only get text and pictures, no background/layout in the app I use to read blogs I sub to