Five Months
At five months Scott weighs about 11 pounds and I feel like he is a lot longer. We don't go to the doctor this month so we don't have real stats.
Scott is so stinkin' funny. I kid you not, in the past few days this kids personality has developed so much. He has found his little voice in this world, he now yells and squeals, probably the cutest thing ever, for now anyway. Scott loves to splash his little feet in water, he will just kick, kick, kick, he also loves to swim. This month he realized he can roll, not just flip from belly to back and back to belly, but he can roll places. If I am a few feet away on the floor or bed, he will roll his little body all the way to me. I love it! I think my favorite part is the look on his face while he is doing it and when he finally gets to me, it's like he is saying "oh, hi mom. I just missed you." He is starting to learn to scoot, but hasn't really gotten the hang of it yet, he still does it more out of anger. He loves to play and he loves his toys, his little Sock Monkey aka Anakin still goes everywhere with us.
The kid loves to eat. I am still breastfeeding him, mostly on demand. But everyday around six in the evening he gets so mad, he is acting hungry so I naturally try to nurse him, he eats for about 7 seconds and then pulls back or bites me (sometimes both, ouch!), and screams. It doesn't take long for me to realize the bum wants FOOD! We took Scott off of rice and tried oatmeal instead, that seemed to help with his constipation a little bit, but have since decided to just stick with fruit and veggies. Rice is mostly a filler, anyway, it doesn't offer much nutrition, and if my baby needs food every three hours he probably needs food that is good for him not something that is going to "keep him full" for a couple extra hours (we realize not everyone agrees with this, but he his our baby and we make the decisions for him). A lot of people recommend giving rice before bedtime to delay/stop night time feedings, but I really don't mind him waking up once or twice, I enjoy our few extra minutes together each day. Fun fact: it's not expected for a baby to sleep through the night until sometime between 9 and 12 months, also "sleeping through the night" is defined as sleeping from midnight until 5am uninterrupted, which Scotty does 95% of the time.
We are still enjoying every minute we have with Scott, he brings so much happiness to our lives, the babe lights up the room. We love him so much! and we can't believe how fast he is growing.
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