Counting with the Browns:
1. bed made all nice and neat that needs to be made.
2. loads of laundry waiting to be put away.
3. hours until our weekend starts.
4. days of school for Jeremy each week.
5. aprons, rarely worn, hanging on the wall.
6. running/congested nostrils.
7. hours of peaceful sleep for us most nights.
8. yard sales on our list to visit tomorrow.
9. cards waiting to be mailed.
10. pounds of baby weight still hanging around.
11. pair of pants that won't stay on Itty Bittys tiny little body.
12. unorganized clothing drawers in our home.
13. hair bows and flowers that go unworn.
14. inches I wish I didn't cut off my hair.
15. meals eaten as a family each week.
16. miles to school each day.
17. or more carrots eaten each day.
18. hours of sleep a day (by Scott).
19. plus one freezing toes.
20. days until Portland.
21. School days before Jeremy's summer break.
YEAH to #7!!