31 October 2011

Happy Halloween Everybody!
When we got home on Saturday night we realized that all of our neighbors had their pumpkins carved and on their porches but we didn't have one...So this morning we set out on our hunt for pumpkins, yes on Halloween...it was an epic fail. We finally found little squashes to use instead. Oh we also bought candy hoping we would get trick-or-treaters...but we haven't had ANY, not a single one...Boo. Why don't people trick-or-treat at apartments? Especially the ones that live here, even if you are going to a "better" neighborhood you could still knock on your neighbors doors, come on people!
 {I'm getting very upset with blogger turning my pictures the wrong way!}
Here are our "pumpkins".
And here is a picture of my belly at 24 weeks.
It hasn't gotten any bigger since the last picture I posted (almost a month ago)...this picture actually makes me look bigger than I am.
I'm not nearly as big as the other girls I know who are pregnant and due around the same time as I am, but that is okay. 
I'm starting to feel pain/pressure in my ribs already, which means I'll probably be taking a beating over the next few months. 
I still fit in my regular jeans, I split my time between maternity shirts and the shirts that were a little bit to big before pregnancy. 
I'm still sleeping fine, but feel like I can't get enough of it. 
My eating habits haven't changed much (although tonight at dinner I ate about 3 times more than normal (okay that maybe an exaggeration) but I did more than usual for me at dinner). 
I've had a difficult time drinking water lately, my lips are starting to show it. 
Milk is something I can't really go through the day without. 
Baby is still moving like crazy, I can now see my belly move while he is moving. 
My feet are always cold (normal for me for winter). 
My skin is blotchy. 
I'm ready to hold a baby and cuddle it, but so far I still love being pregnant. 

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